What is the best treatment for glaucoma?
Glaucoma is called the
silent thief of sight because it causes no symptoms of vision loss until the
problem becomes severe. And for this reason, glaucoma patients are advised to
go only to the best glaucoma doctor in Delhi.
There is little need to go
into details of the types of glaucoma after knowing its severity. If left
unchecked, it could lead to blindness. But you should know that age and thyroid
problems increase the risk of glaucoma.
What is glaucoma?
It is build-up of pressure
in the eye. This pressure damages the optic nerve. The small space in the
anterior chamber has clear fluid flowing to nourish and bath nearby tissues.
The rate of entering and draining of fluid remains the same to prevent fluid
build-up. But sometimes this fluid drains slower than needed. It results in
build-up of fluid and pressure.
Treatments for glaucoma
Glaucoma treatment involves
reducing pressure by increasing the rate of draining of fluid. And it is
achieved in following ways.
Eyedrops: A majority of glaucoma cases, treatment starts
with eyedrops. But compliance with doctor’s prescription is necessary to
achieve best results and avoid side effects that include stinging and change in
eye colour. Sometimes people feel retinal detachments and difficulty breathing.
Medicines: Oral anhydrase inhibitor is prescribed when
medicines fail to give expected results or the results are delayed due to slow
response. Oral medicines also have side effects but it is seen that these
effects are less likely to happen if the meds are taken with meals. Also, the
side effects subside with time.
Surgery: When eyedrops and meds don’t work or when patients
show signs of inability to tolerate the side effects, patients are suggested to
go for surgery. Its advantage is that it gives fast relief and it works for a
long time.
Trabeculoplasty: The drainage canals of the affected eye are opened
using a laser beam. The laser will unblock the canals allowing free flow of
liquid and reduce the pressure.
Filtering surgery: It involves opening of channels within the eye to
improve drainage. This surgery works when others don’t.
Drainage implant: A small silicone tube is inserted to improve
drainage. It helps but it is used for patients with secondary glaucoma or
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